Public Notes
See the Public Notes page for a list of notes with results made public by the MicroBooNE collaboration.
See the Talks page for copies of slides and posters presented at conferences and workshops.
Public data sets
See the Public data sets page for documentation on how to access our open samples.
MicroBooNE’s BNB neutrino flux data release is available on the MicroBooNE flux webpage.
MicroBooNE DocDB
MicroBooNE uses DocDB as a documents database. Much of the contents of the DocDB are restricted to members of the collaboration, but some items are public. Use the link below to enter the public portions of the MicroBooNE DocDB.
Publications/Documents by the MicroBooNE Collaboration
- MicroBoonE collaboration, “First Search for Dark Sector e+e− Explanations of the MiniBooNE Anomaly at MicroBooNE”, arXiv:2502.10900
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Enhanced Search for Neutral Current Δ Radiative Single-Photon Production in MicroBooNE”, arXiv:2502.05750
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Inclusive Search for Anomalous Single-Photon Production in MicroBooNE”, arXiv:2502.06064
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First Search for Neutral Current Coherent Single-Photon Production in MicroBooNE”, arXiv:2502.06091
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for the production of Higgs-portal scalar bosons in the NuMI beam using the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:2501.08052
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for an Anomalous Production of Charged-Current νe Interactions Without Visible Pions Across Multiple Kinematic Observables”, arXiv:2412.14407, supplemental material. Additional auxiliary materials.
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Data-driven model validation for neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements”, arxiv:2411.03280
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Demonstration of new MeV-scale capabilities in large neutrino LArTPCs using ambient radiogenic and cosmogenic activity in MicroBooNE”, arxiv:2410.18419
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of three-dimensional inclusive muon-neutrino charged-current cross sections on argon with the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:2307.06413
- MicrBooNE collaboration, “Demonstration of neutron identification in neutrino interactions in the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber”, arXiv:2406.10583, Eur. Phys. J. C84, 1052 (2024).
- MicrBooNE collaboration, “Improving neutrino energy estimation of charged-current interaction events with recurrent neural networks in MicroBooNE”, arXiv:2406.10123, Phys. Rev. D. 110 (9), 092014 (2024).
- MicrBooNE collaboration, “First double-differential cross section measurement of neutral-current production in neutrino-argon scattering in the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:2404.10948
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of the differential cross section for neutral pion production in charged-current muon neutrino interactions on argon with the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:2404.09949, Phys. Rev. D. 110 (9), 092014 (2024).
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of double-differential cross sections for mesonless charged-current muon neutrino interactions on argon with final-state protons using the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:2403.19574
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First simultaneous measurement of differential muon-neutrino charged-current cross sections on argon for final states with and without protons using MicroBooNE data”, arxiv:2402.19281, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133 (4), 041801
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Inclusive cross section measurements in final states with and without protons for charged-current νμ-Ar scattering in MicroBooNE”, arxiv:2402.19216, Phys. Rev. D 110 (1), 013006
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for heavy neutral leptons in electron-positron and neutral-pion final states with the MicroBooNE detector”, arxiv:2310.07660, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 041801 (2024)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First search for dark-trident processes using the MicroBooNE detector”, arxiv:2312.13945, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (24), 241801
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of nuclear effects in neutrino-argon interactions using generalized kinematic imbalance variables with the MicroBooNE detector”, arxiv:2310.06082, Phys. Rev. D 109 (9), 092007
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First application of a liquid argon time projection chamber for the search for intranuclear neutron-antineutron transitions and annihilation in 40Ar using the MicroBooNE detector”, arxiv:2308.03924, JINST 19 (07), P07032
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of ambient radon daughter decay rates and energy spectra in liquid argon using the MicroBooNE detector”, arxiv:2307.03102, Phys. Rev. D 109, 052007 (2024)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First measurement of η production in neutrino interactions on argon with MicroBooNE”, arxiv:2305.16249, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (15), 151801 (2024)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First demonstration of O(1ns) timing resolution in the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber”, arxiv:2304.02076, Phys. Rev. D 108, 052010 (2023)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First double-differential measurement of kinematic imbalance in neutrino interactions with the MicroBooNE detector”, arxiv:2301.03706, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 101802 (2023)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Multi-Differential Cross Section Measurements of Muon-Neutrino-Argon Quasielastic-like Reactions with the MicroBooNE Detector”, arxiv:2301.03700, Phys. Rev. D 108, 053002 (2023)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First measurement of quasi-elastic Λ baryon production in muon anti-neutrino interactions in the MicroBooNE detector”, arxiv:2212.07888, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 231802 (2023)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First Measurement of Differential Cross Sections for Muon Neutrino Charged Current Interactions on Argon with a Two-proton Final State in the MicroBooNE Detector”, arXiv:2211.03734
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First constraints on light sterile neutrino oscillations from combined appearance and disappearance searches with the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:2210.10216, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 011801 (2022)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Differential cross section measurement of charged current νe interactions without final-state pions in MicroBooNE”, arXiv:2208.02348, Phys. Rev. D 106, L051102 (2022)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for long-lived heavy neutral leptons and Higgs portal scalars decaying in the MicroBooNE detector“, arXiv:2207.03840, Phys. Rev. D 106, 092006 (2022)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of neutral current single π0 production on argon with the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:2205.07943, Phys. Rev. D 107, 012004 (2023), Auxiliary Materials (Ratio Measurement), Additional Auxiliary Materials
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Observation of Radon Mitigation in MicroBooNE by a Liquid Argon Filtration System”, arXiv:2203.10147
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Cosmic ray muon clustering for the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber using sMask-RCNN”, arXiv:2201.05705, JINST 17 P09015 (2022)
- MicroBooNE’s first low energy excess results:
- electron neutrino:
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for an Excess of Electron Neutrino Interactions in MicroBooNE Using Multiple Final State Topologies“, arXiv:2110.14054, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 241801 (2022)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for an Anomalous Excess of Inclusive Charged Current Electron Neutrino Interactions in the MicroBooNE Experiment Using Wire-Cell Reconstruction”, arXiv:2110.13978, Phys. Rev. D105, 112005 (2022)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for an Anomalous Excess of Charged Current Electron Neutrino Interactions Without Pions in the Final State with the MicroBooNE Experiment”, arXiv:2110.14065, Phys. Rev. D105, 112004 (2022)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for an Anomalous Excess of Charged Current Quasi-Elastic Electron Neutrino Interactions with the MicroBooNE Experiment Using Deep-Learning-Based Reconstruction”, arXiv:2110.14080, Phys. Rev. D105, 112003 (2022)
- single photon:
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for Neutrino-Induced Neutral Current Delta Radiative Decay in MicroBooNE and a First Test of the MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess Under a Single Photon Hypothesis”, arXiv:2110.00409, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 111801 (2022)
- electron neutrino:
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Novel Approach for Evaluating Detector-Related Uncertainties in a LArTPC Using MicroBooNE Data”, arXiv:2111.03556, Eur. Phys. Journal C 82, 454 (2022)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Wire-Cell 3D Pattern Recognition Techniques for Neutrino Event Reconstruction in Large LAr TPCs: Algorithm Development and Quantitative Evaluation with MicroBooNE Simulation”, arXiv:2110.13961, JINST 17, P01037 (2022)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First Measurement of Energy-Dependent Inclusive Muon Neutrino Charged Current Cross Sections on Argon with the MicroBooNE Detector”, arXiv:2110.14023, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 151801 (2022), Fermilab News article (04/12/2022), Brookhaven Newsroom (04/12/2022)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “New Theory-Driven GENIE Tune for MicroBooNE”, arXiv:2110.14028, Phys. Rev. D105, 072001 (2022)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Electromagnetic Shower Reconstruction and Energy Validation with Michel Electrons and Neutral Pion Samples for the Deep-Learning-Based Analysis in MicroBooNE”, arXiv:2110.11874, JINST 16, T12017 (2021)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First Measurement of Inclusive Electron Neutrino and Antineutrino Charged Current Differential Cross Sections in Lepton Energy in Argon in MicroBooNE”, arXiv:2109.06832, Phys. Rev. D105, L051102 (2022)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Calorimetric Classification of Track-Like Signatures in Liquid Argon TPCs Using MicroBooNE Data”, arXiv:2109.02460, JHEP 2021, 153, (2021)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for a Higgs Portal Scalar Decaying to Electron-Positron Pairs in the MicroBooNE Detector, arXiv:2106.00568, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 151803 (2021)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of the Longitudinal Diffusion of Ionization Electrons in the MicroBooNE Detector”, arXiv:2104.06551, JINST 16, P09025 (2021)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Cosmic Ray Background Rejection with Wire-Cell LAr TPC Event Reconstruction in the MicroBooNE Detector”, arXiv:2101.05076, Phys. Rev. App. 15, 064071 (2021), DOE HEP Science Highlight (03/09/22)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of the Flux-Averaged Inclusive Charged Current Electron Neutrino and Antineutrino Cross Section on Argon using the NuMI Beam and the MicroBooNE Detector”, arXiv:2101.04228, Phys. Rev. D104, 052002 (2021)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of the Atmospheric Muon Rate with the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon TPC”, arXiv:2012.14324, JINST 16, P04004 (2021)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Semantic Segmentation with a Sparse Convolutional Neural Network for Event Reconstruction in MicroBooNE”, arXiv:2012.08513, Phys. Rev. D103, 052012 (2021)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “High Performance Generic Neutrino Detection in a LAr TPC Near the Earth’s Surface with the MicroBooNE Detector”, arXiv:2012.07928, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 064071 (2021), Fermilab News article (06/09/21), Brookhaven press release (06/09/21)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Neutrino Event Selection in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber using Wire-Cell 3D Imaging, Clustering, and Charge-Light Matching”, arXiv:2011.01375, JINST 16, P06043 (2021)
- MicroBooNE collaboration,”A Convolutional Neural Network for Multiple Particle Identification in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber”, arXiv:2010.08653, Phys. Rev. D103, 092003 (2021)
- MicroBooNE collaboration,”Measurement of Differential Cross Sections for Muon Neutrino Charged Current Interactions on Argon with Protons and No Pions in the Final State with the MicroBooNE Detector”, arXiv:2010.02390, Phys. Rev. D102, 112013 (2020)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of Space Charge Effects in the MicroBooNE LAr TPC Using Cosmic Muons”, arXiv:2008.09765, JINST 15, P12037 (2020)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “The Continuous Readout Stream of the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber for Detection of Supernova Burst Neutrinos”, arXiv:2008.13761, JINST 16, P02008 (2021)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First Measurement of Differential Charged Current Quasi-Elastic-Like Muon Neutrino Argon Scattering Cross Sections with the MicroBooNE Detector, arXiv:2006.00108, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 201803 (2020), Fermilab News article (12/16/2020)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Vertex-Finding and Reconstruction of Contained Two-track Neutrino Events in the MicroBooNE Detector”, arXiv:2002.09375, JINST 16, P02017 (2021)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for heavy neutral leptons decaying into muon-pion pairs in the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:1911.10545, Phys. Rev. D101, 052001 (2020), Fermilab News article (02/13/20)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Reconstruction and Measurement of O(100) MeV Electromagnetic Activity from π0 → γ γ Decays in the MicroBooNE LAr TPC”, arXiv:1910.02166, JINST 15, P02007 (2020)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “A Method to Determine the Electric Field of Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers Using a UV Laser System and its Application in MicroBooNE”, arXiv:1910.01430, JINST 15, P07010 (2020)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Calibration of the Charge and Energy Response of the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Using Muons and Protons”, arXiv:1907.11736, JINST 15, P03022 (2020)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First Measurement of Inclusive Muon Neutrino Charged Current Differential Cross Sections on Argon at Enu ~0.8 GeV with the MicroBooNE Detector”, arXiv:1905.09694, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 131801 (2019), Fermilab News article (12/13/19)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Design and Construction of the MicroBooNE Cosmic Ray Tagger System”, arXiv:1901.02862, JINST 14, P04004 (2019)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Rejecting Cosmic Background for Exclusive Neutrino Interaction Studies with Liquid Argon TPCs: A Case Study with the MicroBooNE Detector”, arXiv:1812.05679, Eur. J. Phys. C79, 673 (2019)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “First Measurement of Muon Neutrino Charged Current Neutral Pion Production on Argon with the MicroBooNE LAr TPC”, arXiv:1811.02700, Phys. Rev. D99, 091102(R) (2019)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “A Deep Neural Network for Pixel-Level Electromagnetic Particle Identification in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber”, arXiv:1808.07269, Phys. Rev. D99, 092001 (2019), Fermilab News article (09/12/18), DOE HEP Science Highlight (01/30/19)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Comparison of Muon-Neutrino-Argon Multiplicity Distributions Observed by MicroBooNE to GENIE Model Predictions”, arXiv:1805.06887, Eur. Phys. J. C79, 248 (2019), Fermilab News article (05/31/18)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Ionization Electron Signal Processing in Single Phase LAr TPCs II: Data/Simulation Comparison and Performance in MicroBooNE”, arXiv:1804.02583, JINST 13, P07007 (2018), Fermilab News article (07/09/18), DOE HEP Science Highlight (05/21/19)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Ionization Electron Signal Processing in Single Phase LAr TPCs I: Algorithm Description and Quantitative Evaluation with MicroBooNE Simulation”, arXiv:1802.08709, JINST 13, P07006 (2018), Fermilab News article (07/09/18), DOE HEP Science Highlight (05/21/19)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “The Pandora Multi-Algorithm Approach to Automated Pattern Recognition of Cosmic Ray Muon and Neutrino Events in the MicroBooNE Detector”, arXiv:1708.03135, Eur. Phys. J. C78, 1, 82 (2018)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of Cosmic Ray Reconstruction Efficiencies in the MicroBooNE LAr TPC Using a Small External Cosmic Ray Counter”, arXiv:1707.09903, JINST 12, P12030 (2017)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Noise Characterization and Filtering in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon TPC”, arXiv:1705.07341, JINST 12, P08003 (2017), Fermilab News article (07/05/17), DOE HEP Science Highlight (05/16/18)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Michel Electron Reconstruction Using Cosmic Ray Data from the MicroBooNE LAr TPC”, arXiv:1704.02927, JINST 12, P09014 (2017)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Determination of Muon Momentum in the MicroBooNE LAr TPC Using an Improved Model of Multiple Coulomb Scattering”, arXiv:1703.06187, JINST 12 P10010 (2017)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Neutrino Events in a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber”, arXiv:1611.05531, JINST 12, P03011 (2017)
- MicroBooNE collaboration, “Design and Construction of the MicroBooNE Detector”, arXiv:1612.05824, JINST 12, P02017 (2017)
- MicroBooNE Data Management Plan (September 2016)
- MicroBooNE TDR from CD3b review (February 2012)
- Experiment Proposal:
- Initial experiment proposal, October 2007
- Proposal Addendum, March 2008
MicroBooNE Theses
- Owen Goodwin, Search for Higgs Portal Scalars and Heavy Neutral Leptons Decaying in the MicroBooNE Detector, Manchester University, Ph.D., August 2022
- Lauren Yates, Using the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Detector to Search for Electron Neutrino Interactions and Understand the MiniBooNE Anomaly, MIT, Ph.D., February 2022
- Kathryn Sutton, MicroBooNE’s First Search for the MiniBooNE Anomalous Excess Under a Photon-Like Hypothesis with High-Sensitivity Search for Neutrino-Induced Neutral Current Delta Production and Radiative Decay, Columbia University, Ph.D., June 2021
- Davio Cianci, A Deep-Learning-Based Muon Neutrino CCQE Selection for Searches Beyond the Standard Model with MicroBooNE, Columbia University, Ph.D., June 2021
- Krishan Mistry, First Measurement of the Flux-Averaged Differential Charged Current Electron Neutrino and Antineutrino Cross Section on Argon with the MicroBooNE Detector, Manchester University, Ph.D., December 2021
- Yifan Chen, Methods for Precision Studies of Neutrino Interactions, Bern University, Ph.D., October 2021
- Chris Barnes, First Muon Neutrino on Argon Cross Section Measurements with an Off-Axis Beam, University of Michigan, Ph.D., July 2021
- Erez Cohen, Identification and Analysis of Quasi-elastic Neutrino Interactions in MicroBooNE, Tel Aviv University, Ph.D., October 2021
- Avinay Bhat, MeV Scale Physics in MicroBooNE, Syracuse University, Ph.D., July 2021
- Andrew Mogan, Measuring Electron Diffusion and Constraining the Neutral Current π0 Background for Single Photon Events in MicroBooNE, UT Knoxville, Ph.D., May 2021
- Rui An, Search for the Low Energy Excess with Deep Learning in MicroBooNE, IIT, Ph.D., December 2020
- Jarrett Moon, Using Deep Learning Techniques to Search for the MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess in MicroBooNE with >3 sigma Sensitivity, MIT, Ph.D., October 2020
- Brooke Russell, An Electron Neutrino Appearance Search in MicroBooNE with 5E20 POT, Yale, Ph.D., May 2020
- Wouter Van De Pontseele, Search for Electron Neutrino Anomalies with the MicroBooNE Detector, Harvard University and Oxford University, Ph.D., March 2020
- Munerah Alrashed, Phase Space Analysis of Inclusive Charged Current Proton Production in MicroBooNE, Kansas State University, Ph.D., November 2019
- Davide Porzio, Searches for Heavy Neutral Lepton Decays in the MicroBooNE Detector, Manchester University, Ph.D., November 2019
- Colton Hill, Measurement of the Charged Current Inclusive Electron Neutrino and Electron Antineutrino Cross Section Using the MicroBooNE Detector in the NuMI Beam, Manchester University, Ph.D., August 2019
- Joris Jan De Vries, Identifying Muon Neutrino Charged Current Interactions in the MicroBooNE Detector, Cambridge University, Ph.D., August 2019
- Adam Lister, Constraint of Systematic Uncertainties in an Electron Neutrino Search Using Muon Neutrinos at MicroBooNE, Lancaster University, Ph.D., March 2019
- Varuna Meddage, Liquid Argon TPC Calibration Using Cosmogenic Muons and Measurement of Neutrino Induced Charged Kaon Production in Argon in the Charged Current Mode, Kansas State University, Ph.D., July 2019
- Vic Genty, The MicroBooNE Search for Anomalous Electron Neutrino Appearance Using Image-Based Data Reconstruction, Columbia University, Ph.D., April 2019
- Marco Del Tutto, First Measurements of Inclusive Muon Neutrino Charged Current Differential Cross Sections on Argon at 0.8 GeV Average Neutrino Energy with the MicroBooNE Detector, University of Oxford, Ph.D., March 2019
- Roberto Soleti, Search for a Low Energy Excess of Electron Neutrinos in MicroBooNE, University of Oxford, Ph.D., March 2019
- Bobby Murrells, Search for Low Energy Single Photons in MicroBooNE, University of Manchester, Ph.D., September 2018
- Katherine Woodruff, Neutral Current Elastic Scattering and the Strange Spin of the Proton, New Mexico State University, Ph.D., November 2018
- Aleena Rafique, Tests of Neutrino Interaction Models with the MicroBooNE Detector, Kansas State University, Ph.D., June 2018
- Jessica Esquivel, Muon/Pion Separation Using Convolutional Neural Networks for the MicroBooNE Charged Current Inclusive Cross Section Measurement, Syracuse University, Ph.D., May 2018
- Ariana Hackenburg, Measurement of a Neutrino-Induced Charged Current Single Neutral Pion Cross Section at MicroBooNE, Yale University, Ph.D., February 2018
- David Caratelli, Study of Electromagnetic Interactions in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber, Columbia University, Ph.D., January 2018
- Jeremy Hewes, Searches for Neutron-Antineutron Oscillations in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers, Manchester, Ph.D., December 2017
- David Kaleko, MicroBooNE: The Search for the MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess, Columbia University, Ph.D. thesis, April 2017
- Ben Jones, Sterile Neutrinos in Cold Climates, MIT, Ph.D. thesis, September 2015
- Christina Ignarra, Sterile Neutrino Searches in MiniBooNE and MicroBooNE, MIT Ph.D. thesis, September 2014
- Christie Chiu, Liquid Argon Scintillation Light Quenching Due to Nitrogen Impurities: Measurements Performed for the MicroBooNE Vertical Slice Test, MIT, B.S. in physics, June 2013
Related Publications by MicroBooNE Collaborators
- X. Qian et al., “Three Dimensional Imaging for Large Liquid Argon TPCs”, arXiv:1803.04850
- M. Auger et al., “A Novel Cosmic Ray Tagger System for Liquid Argon Neutrino Detectors”, Instruments 1 (2017)
- R. Acciarri et al., “Construction and Assembly of the Wire Planes for the MicroBooNE Time Projection Chamber”, JINST 12, T03003 (2017)
- B. Carls et al., “Design and Operation of a Setup with a Camera and Adjustable Mirror to Inspect the Sense Wire Planes of the TPC Inside the MicroBooNE Cryostat”, JINST 10, T08006 (2015)
- J. Conrad et al., “The Photomultiplier Tube Calibration System of the MicroBooNE Experiment”, JINST 10, T06001 (2015)
- L.F. Bagby et al., “Breakdown Voltage of Metal Oxide Resistors in Liquid Argon”, JINST 9, T11004 (2014)
- R. Acciarri et al., “Liquid Argon Dielectric Breakdown Studies with the MicroBooNE Purification System”, JINST 9, P11001 (2014)
- A. Ereditato et al., “First Working Prototype of a Steerable UV Laser System for LAr TPC Calibrations”, JINST 9, T11007 (2014)
- J. Asaadi et al., “Testing of High Voltage Surge Protection Devices for Use in Liquid Argon TPC Detectors”, JINST 9, P09002 (2014)
- M. Auger et al., “A Method to Suppress Dielectric Breakdowns in Liquid Argon Ionization Detectors for Cathode to Ground Distances of Several Millimeters”, JINST 9, P07023 (2014)
- A. Blatter et al., “Experimental Study of Electric Breakdown in Liquid Argon at Centimeter Scale”, JINST 9, P04006 (2014)
- T. Briese et al., “Testing of Cryogenic Photomultiplier Tubes for the MicroBooNE Experiment”, JINST 8, T07005 (2013)
- B.J.P. Jones et al., “Photodegradation Mechanisms of Tetraphenyl Butadiene Coatings for Liquid Argon Detectors”, JINST 8 P01013 (2013)
- B.J.P. Jones et al., “A Measurement of the Absorption of Liquid Argon Scintillation Light by Dissolved Nitrogen at the Part-Per-Million Level”, JINST 8 P07011 (2013)
- C.S. Chiu et al., “Environmental Effects on TPB Wavelength-Shifting Coatings”, JINST 7, P07007 (2012)
- A. Ereditato et al., “Design and Operation of ARGONTUBE: a 5m Long Drift Liquid Argon TPC”, JINST 8, P07002 (2013)