Documents and Publications

Public Notes

See the Public Notes page for a list of notes with results made public by the MicroBooNE collaboration.


See the Talks page for copies of slides and posters presented at conferences and workshops.

Public data sets

See the Public data sets page for documentation on how to access our open samples.

MicroBooNE’s BNB neutrino flux data release is available on the MicroBooNE flux webpage.

MicroBooNE DocDB

MicroBooNE uses DocDB as a documents database. Much of the contents of the DocDB are restricted to members of the collaboration, but some items are public. Use the link below to enter the public portions of the MicroBooNE DocDB.

Publications/Documents by the MicroBooNE Collaboration

  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “Wire-Cell 3+1 BNB+NuMI oscillation analysis”, under journal review
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for the production of Higgs-portal scalar bosons in the NuMI beam using the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:2501.08052
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for an Anomalous Production of Charged-Current νe Interactions Without Visible Pions Across Multiple Kinematic Observables”, arXiv:2412.14407, supplemental material. Additional auxiliary materials.
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “Data-driven model validation for neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements”, arxiv:2411.03280
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “Demonstration of new MeV-scale capabilities in large neutrino LArTPCs using ambient radiogenic and cosmogenic activity in MicroBooNE”, arxiv:2410.18419
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of three-dimensional inclusive muon-neutrino charged-current cross sections on argon with the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:2307.06413
  • MicrBooNE collaboration, “Demonstration of neutron identification in neutrino interactions in the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber”, arXiv:2406.10583, Eur. Phys. J. C84, 1052 (2024).
  • MicrBooNE collaboration, “Improving neutrino energy estimation of charged-current interaction events with recurrent neural networks in MicroBooNE”, arXiv:2406.10123, Phys. Rev. D. 110 (9), 092014 (2024).
  • MicrBooNE collaboration, “First double-differential cross section measurement of neutral-current  production in neutrino-argon scattering in the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:2404.10948
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of the differential cross section for neutral pion production in charged-current muon neutrino interactions on argon with the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:2404.09949, Phys. Rev. D. 110 (9), 092014 (2024).
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of double-differential cross sections for mesonless charged-current muon neutrino interactions on argon with final-state protons using the MicroBooNE detector”, arXiv:2403.19574
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “First simultaneous measurement of differential muon-neutrino charged-current cross sections on argon for final states with and without protons using MicroBooNE data”, arxiv:2402.19281, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133 (4), 041801
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “Inclusive cross section measurements in final states with and without protons for charged-current νμ-Ar scattering in MicroBooNE”, arxiv:2402.19216, Phys. Rev. D 110 (1), 013006
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “Search for heavy neutral leptons in electron-positron and neutral-pion final states with the MicroBooNE detector”, arxiv:2310.07660, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 041801 (2024)
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “First search for dark-trident processes using the MicroBooNE detector”, arxiv:2312.13945, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (24), 241801
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of nuclear effects in neutrino-argon interactions using generalized kinematic imbalance variables with the MicroBooNE detector”, arxiv:2310.06082, Phys. Rev. D 109 (9), 092007
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “First application of a liquid argon time projection chamber for the search for intranuclear neutron-antineutron transitions and annihilation in 40Ar using the MicroBooNE detector”, arxiv:2308.03924, JINST 19 (07), P07032
  • MicroBooNE collaboration, “Measurement of ambient radon daughter decay rates and energy spectra in liquid argon using the MicroBooNE detector”, arxiv:2307.03102, Phys. Rev. D 109, 052007 (2024)


MicroBooNE Theses

Related Publications by MicroBooNE Collaborators

  • X. Qian et al., “Three Dimensional Imaging for Large Liquid Argon TPCs”, arXiv:1803.04850
  • M. Auger et al., “A Novel Cosmic Ray Tagger System for Liquid Argon Neutrino Detectors”, Instruments 1 (2017)
  • R. Acciarri et al., “Construction and Assembly of the Wire Planes for the MicroBooNE Time Projection Chamber”, JINST 12, T03003 (2017)
  • B. Carls et al., “Design and Operation of a Setup with a Camera and Adjustable Mirror to Inspect the Sense Wire Planes of the TPC Inside the MicroBooNE Cryostat”, JINST 10, T08006 (2015)
  • J. Conrad et al., “The Photomultiplier Tube Calibration System of the MicroBooNE Experiment”, JINST 10, T06001 (2015)
  • L.F. Bagby et al., “Breakdown Voltage of Metal Oxide Resistors in Liquid Argon”, JINST 9, T11004 (2014)
  • R. Acciarri et al., “Liquid Argon Dielectric Breakdown Studies with the MicroBooNE Purification System”, JINST 9, P11001 (2014)
  • A. Ereditato et al., “First Working Prototype of a Steerable UV Laser System for LAr TPC Calibrations”, JINST 9, T11007 (2014)
  • J. Asaadi et al., “Testing of High Voltage Surge Protection Devices for Use in Liquid Argon TPC Detectors”, JINST 9, P09002 (2014)
  • M. Auger et al., “A Method to Suppress Dielectric Breakdowns in Liquid Argon Ionization Detectors for Cathode to Ground Distances of Several Millimeters”, JINST 9, P07023 (2014)
  • A. Blatter et al., “Experimental Study of Electric Breakdown in Liquid Argon at Centimeter Scale”, JINST 9, P04006 (2014)
  • T. Briese et al., “Testing of Cryogenic Photomultiplier Tubes for the MicroBooNE Experiment”, JINST 8, T07005 (2013)
  • B.J.P. Jones et al., “Photodegradation Mechanisms of Tetraphenyl Butadiene Coatings for Liquid Argon Detectors”, JINST 8 P01013 (2013)
  • B.J.P. Jones et al., “A Measurement of the Absorption of Liquid Argon Scintillation Light by Dissolved Nitrogen at the Part-Per-Million Level”, JINST 8 P07011 (2013)
  • C.S. Chiu et al., “Environmental Effects on TPB Wavelength-Shifting Coatings”, JINST 7, P07007 (2012)
  • A. Ereditato et al., “Design and Operation of ARGONTUBE: a 5m Long Drift Liquid Argon TPC”, JINST 8, P07002 (2013)