Images and videos

Selected images

The MicroBooNE cryostat.


The cryostat was delivered by truck. This set the maximum size of our TPC.

Liquid Argon Test Facility

Construction on the Liquid Argon Test Facility

Photomultiplier Tubes (PMTs)

Teppei Katori next to one of his PMT holders that he has been testing

Time Projection Chamber

Cleaning G10 in an ultrasonic washer


[Most of the] Wire hanging team

MicroBooNE detector assembly

The MicroBooNE detector (TPC) was assembled at Fermilab in 2012-2013, sealed in the cryostat at the end of 2013, and installed in the Liquid Argon Test Facility (LArTF) in the Booster neutrino beamline in June 2014. Read more about the MicroBooNE detector.

One of the two dewars being moved to LArTF. One will be used for liquid nitrogen and the other will be an argon buffer tank.
