New MicroBooNE Single Photon Searches: Delta Radiative Decay, Coherent, and Inclusive

The MicroBooNE experiment is a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) in the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab. The LArTPC technology allows us to distinguish between electron and photon showers, which is crucial for identifying the source of the long-standing anomalous excess reported by MiniBooNE. Initial MicroBooNE results have challenged the electron interpretation, which highlights the importance of further study of the single photon channel. In this talk, we present results from three new and improved searches for single photons, offering a wider probe of the photon channel: an enhanced search for NC Delta radiative single photon production, the world’s first search for neutrino-induced coherent single photon production, and an inclusive search for single photons in a diverse set of topologies.


Links to the three MicroBooNE photon searches are below:

  • Enhanced NC Delta: link
  • NC Coherent: link
  • inclusive single-photon: link

And a link to the February 7th Wine and Cheese Inidico page is here.